

Overall I am extremely happy that I got the opportunity to study abroad in an amazing city like Prague with an amazing program like ESAC. The Directors and staff made it easy to culturally immerse and study in a foreign place for the first time. I was extremely happy with my teacher and my classes. I also particularly liked the location of our dorms, which is just slightly outside of the city center, near shopping and restaurants. The dorms were up to date and clean and provided security through a front desk worker and a scan code system for security. I am thrilled that my first study abroad was through ESAC. The program helped and encouraged me to immerse myself in the Prague and Czech culture.

Tessa Wright , USA, ESAC 2016

European Study Abroad Center

Tessa Wright , USA, ESAC 2016

Overall I am extremely happy that I got the opportunity to study abroad in an amazing city like Prague with an amazing program like ESAC. The Directors and staff made it easy to culturally immerse and study in a foreign place for the first time. I was extremely happy with my teacher and my classes. I also particularly liked the location of our dorms, which is just slightly outside of the city center, near shopping and restaurants. The dorms were up to date and clean and provided security through a front desk worker and a scan code system for security. I am thrilled that my first study abroad was through ESAC. The program helped and encouraged me to immerse myself in the Prague and Czech culture.