
Faculty: Are you interested in bringing a group of students AND teaching in Europe for four weeks during the summer?

Consider enlisting 12 or more of your top students and join us in Prague, Czech Republic.

The European Study Abroad Center is a short-term study abroad provider that brings groups of students to Europe each summer for an intensive study abroad opportunity which consists of academic classes accredited by the University of Economics of Prague and great cultural activities for you and your students to take part in. Now you can get involved.

What is in it for your students?

  • Students in BerlinAn opportunity to study overseas and gain first hand business experience in a beautiful and dynamic city!
  • Fully accredited courses with a transcript issued from the University of Economics in Prague (VSE). VSE is globally recognized and approved by the Czech Ministry of Education.
  • Accommodation in the University of Economics residence hall with internet access and a breakfast & lunch plan Monday – Friday.
  • Weekend excursions to surrounding countries and cities.
  • Airport pick-up, local transportation pass, welcome package, cultural events, walking tours and networking opportunities with top level CEOs from companies like Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Microsoft, Radio Free Europe, Herald Brewing, Hewlett Packard and more
  • Czech language, culture and protocol course free of charge

What is in it for faculty?

  • An opportunity to gain international teaching experience with students from both your home university and all over the world (and in many cases, you can choose the course you would like to teach)
  • Accommodation in a single room with internet access and a breakfast and lunch plan Monday-Friday
  • Flight to Prague (up to $1000)
  • Salary for teaching in the four week program (competitive)
  • High quality classroom space, excellent technology equipment and small class sizes
  • Airport pick up, transportation pass, welcome package, cultural events and networking opportunities
  • Czech language, culture and protocol course free of charge
  • Opportunity to travel with the group on the weekend excursions (at cost)

Students by Charles Bridge at nightThis program is ideal for faculty who wish to travel and teach abroad during their free summers or who come from universities with developing study abroad programs or universities that do not currently offer a program of study for their students in Europe. ESAC’s program is highly developed by both local and international faculty and staff and has been attracting students from around the world to participate.

Due to increased space availability, ESAC can now expand the program in order to accommodate more students and give faculty the chance to get involved as well.

How does it work?

  • You indicate your interest in teaching with ESAC by sending a cover letter and c.v. to esac@goesac.com attn: Human Resource Manager. Qualifications to teach with ESAC are listed under QUALIFICATIONS
  • Once approved by ESAC and the University of Economics in Prague, you talk to your students about the advantages of studying abroad and get them excited about the chance to study in Prague and earn credits toward their degree (ESAC will provide you with materials about the program to share with your students). You can download PowerPoint ESAC Presentation.
  • You encourage students to apply early by going to the ESAC website at www.goesac.com and completing the on-line application form to participate (Criteria for acceptance 2.5 GPA, in good standing with the home university and reference checks). Once at least 12 of your students are accepted into the program, you collect some basic documentation from each participant such as passport photos, copy of passport and parental waiver forms. (You are not responsible for collecting payments or dealing with any program logistics). See below if you have less than 12 students.
  • Design the course you plan to teach on site and submit it to ESAC or select one of our required courses to teach
  • Purchase your plane ticket and come join us for a summer of well balanced, quality academics, site visits to businesses and networking opportunities and unique local cultural events

ESAC will handle all the applications and will make all arrangements in Prague, based on our already highly developed program. You and your students arrive in Prague and ESAC collects your group from the airport and brings you to the residence hall. Site visits to businesses, the weekend and day trips, cultural events and more will already be pre-arranged.


Applicants for Visiting Professor will be required to have their Ph.D. no later than June, 2014. J.D. and M.A. candidates will be evaluated and considered for Visiting Lecturer based on relevant work experience and proven track record of successful teaching and student advising with an institution of higher education. To apply for these positions, please attach a letter of intent, curriculum vitae or resume, names and contact information for three references, and one letter of recommendation.

Important notes for interested faculty:

  • Faculty are required to be in Prague 2 days before the students arrive for a fun, yet highly informative orientation/training
  • The orientation will focus on familiarizing you with beautiful Prague, showing you some popular hot spots and cultural centers and giving you a chance to settle into the environment before the students arrive (accommodation and one meal a day provided for these two days)
  • Faculty are given single rooms in the residence hall and in most cases, for a small supplemental fee, we can accommodate adult family members if they wish to travel with you
  • Faculty are required to hold two office hours per week and one advising hour in the residence hall to give recommendations on what to do and see in Prague or to assist with students suffering from homesickness or personal problems (we want to create a nurturing environment and make all students feel welcome)
  • Faculty will take part in the welcome reception and student orientation during the first 2 days before starting their own classes
  • Classes meet daily for 1.5 hours except on travel days. Faculty will accompany students to various site visits throughout the term
  • Summer 2015 faculty and student recruitment begins in October 2014. ESAC will supply faculty with all information regarding the summer 2015 program including a PowerPoint presentation you can use in class and a brochure with helpful information
  • Discussion regarding the course you will teach can begin immediately
  • There will be a maximum of five faculty members accepted
  • The program is focused on business, international business, global and international marketing, law, and European Union issues. Other business related courses can be considered. We also have a humanities track and we are looking for new and interesting courses.
  • The University of Economics and ESAC approve the courses and issue the University issues the transcripts. The University of Economics is fully accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education.

What if I only recruit 5 students?

  • 12 Students from one university and the faculty members will get an all inclusive business trip to Prague plus a salary for teaching
  • Less than 12 and ESAC can prorate accordingly the travel expenses and accommodation package
  • 5 students entitles faculty to accommodation with the meal plan, a metro pass and the teaching salary but no airfare

ESAC promotional materials for your students:

ESAC PowerPoint Presentation (ppt)

Program flyer Front Back (jpg)